Innovative Sustainable Packaging Solutions for Whole Foods Market


Major brands and retailers have set aggressive sustainable packaging goals.

Additionally, regulations are becoming stricter as government apply pressure to ‘go green’.

As a leader in organic foods and sustainable ingredients, customers will be looking to Whole Foods Market as a champion to pursue sustainable packaging goals. 

You want to give your customers the sustainability they desire, but not at the expense of performance or brand appeal. We are experienced in producing almost one billion units of innovative and sustainable flexible packaging. Together, we can establish a win-win partnership.


How Emmerson Packaging Can Help Whole Foods Market Champion Sustainability While Nourishing People and the Planet

Emmerson Packaging has been supporting North America’s leading private label programs for over 30 years. 

Emmerson Packaging’s SmartSOURCE program will give Whole Foods Market’s leadership an effective and comprehensive approach to managing its sustainable packaging supply chain.

The program is designed to benefit Whole Foods Market through:

  • Sustainable packaging options
  • Vendor-managed inventory options
  • Preferred printer volume rebates
  • Packer-differential pricing program
  • Graphics allowance
  • Project Management to enable new product launches and business transition
  • The ability to display SGP and How2Recycle logos on Whole Foods Markets' packaging
Sustainable logos

Emmerson Packaging—Your Sustainable Supply Chain Partner

Emmerson Packaging can help Whole Foods Market deliver the sustainable packaging products that their customers are looking for, and their competitors are already moving towards. 


Connect With Us

Please reach out to us directly so we can have a discussion about the specific ways Whole Foods Market can achieve sustainability goals while satisfying and delighting customers.

Justin Allain
Customer Success Expert